NetworkTables not working on FMS
Stephen H Stockman from United States  [1 posts]
8 year
When connected to the FMS(Field Management System) at a FRC competition several things change in the networking setup. As a result we could not get data to be sent to our robot during an actual match yet it still manages to work in pits or at tour workplace. I believe the issue will be solved by setting statc ips, subnet mask and gateways. We are using a winbook tw700 connected to a usb hub which is then connected to a usb camera and a usb to ethernet adapter. Does roborealm work with static ips and do you believe the following setup will work?

(Plugged into 18-24v port on radio.)

Driver station:

(Plugged into other port on the radio.)
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 8 year
Whatever works with Dynamic IPs will typically work with static IPs. I forget what exactly happens on the field in terms of IP allocation but the Winbook should work ok on the field ... i.e. if your DLink camera works so will the Winbook.

What you specified looks ok but this is really a question for the field network guys. Its possible that they don't allow anything but a couple addresses. For example, they might limit the address to < 15 so .19 might not work ... but again, I'm just guessing since I'm not a FIRST field network guy. Best to send this to them and see what's what.


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