Image Matching
Bob Simmons from United States  [17 posts]
8 year
I'm running the commercial version 2.79.18 and am working with image matching.

There is a check box in the training dialog that says it will monitor the training directory and retrain on changes.  It doesn't seem to work...  It never retrains unless I press the Start button...  Any ideas?

I want to be able to put training images in the training directory (with VB), then automatically train them (or with VB or somehow get them trained programmatically without manual intervention), load a source image to match, find the match, then delete or replace the training images, then repeat over and over.

I can do everything except train the images automatically or programmatically.....  Is there a way?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 8 year

Just for completeness ... or in case you are using this for a different function than image comparing this feature has now been fixed. Selecting the checkbox in the training interface will cause an automatic training when a new image is dropped into that folder.

Thanks for the note,

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