Find Circles
Robert from United Kingdom  [1 posts]
17 year
Trying to ascertain if there is a way of manipulating this image to complete the circles and clean the image of anything that does not resemble a circle?

Circle Detector
17 year
Yes, you can use the circle detector module. Attached is the robofile used to process your above image. It is quite simple. A threshold and then circle detection. You can play with the isolation and circle sizes to reduce/increase the sensitivity of the detector.

Here is an example of your image processed:

(Note that we updated your email address on this forum since it has the image)

Have fun!
Robert Woodcock from United Kingdom  [2 posts] 17 year
Is there a function to also provide the diameter and to find or mark the centre of each circle?
Circle Stats
17 year
Yes. The current image shows the radius of each of the circles. Just double to get the diameter. The center of the circle can also be marked using the Circles GUI ... just select a non-blue color for that dropdown and you will see the center marked.

Also, the module produces a couple of variables (see documentation on this module) that allows you to write the circle centers and radius to disk or transmit them to other programs.

Robert from United Kingdom  [2 posts] 17 year
Hi Steven,  5 months since I've been able to get back to the project.  Is there a way I can better seperate the objects and perhaps a way to get an idea of which circle is on the top of the other!
Anonymous 17 year

There a couple things we can try ... but can you include your original image without the circle overlay? We can then try a couple additional filters to see if we can better detect the separate objects. As they are not all circles (some are oval shaped) another more generic blob technique might work better.

Robert from United Kingdom  [2 posts]
17 year

Some example images; I would like to find the parameter of the blobs, size of and positions.

Whilst writing; do you have some documentation for using the API in Borlands Delphi?

Robert from United Kingdom  [2 posts] 17 year
Images again; but reduced in file size.

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