Trying to quantify weeds out of field crop from United States [36 posts] |
8 year
Hello there
I am trying to quantify weed population in field. First image is raw image and second one is processed where green pixels for crop grey for weeds and soil is black in color. I want to know what percentage is crop, weeds and soil in single image. I knew I didn't get not perfect filters applied. Any kind of help will be appreciated.
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
8 year
The easiest way to do this is to convert the 3 groups into solid colors and then use something like the Geometry Stat module to count the colors.
If you can post the robofile that you used to get the second image we can continue by pointing you in the right direction. Since there are many ways to do this its quicker to understand what you are currently doing since those modules may already be able to group things into 3 colors.
Another note, the image are very low quality JPG images (note the square artifacts) which normally also means the color information is greatly reduced. If you are looking for better results, getting higher quality (not necessarily higher resolution) would probably be a good route.