Line Profile Axis
Allen Lin from Taiwan  [6 posts]
8 year
Hi All,

I used Line Profile to detect the gap between the Canyon(two border black lines). It was good  both in X and Y direction.

But when the Canyon is not in X or Y direction, the profile seems not "true" profile of the line, it is the projection of the line depends on the slop of the prob line.

Or  is there any better way to calculate the gap between the canyon? I try to use line prob modules to prob lines then get distance, but it spend  more time.




Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 8 year

You are looking for the Thickness probe instead. The line profile is really meant for display only and will report different 'lengths' based on the view settings ... that's not something you want. The thickness probe can also take the average width of a couple probes to ensure that the precision of the width is subpixel.

If you are not sure how to use that module send us the original image that you are processing (your hand drawn graphics are getting in the way) and we can help further.


Allen Lin from Taiwan  [6 posts] 8 year
Hi STeven ,

Thanks, I will take a try.


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