Arduino Mega 2560 - Sparkfun
Ahmad from Malaysia  [2 posts]
8 year

I've been following the tutorial for automatic gun turret. It have 2 servos for pan and tilt. Everything was perfect until I want to add one more servo for the Shooting feature.

I've edited my VBscript program on Roborealm, but when I run the program, it is disturbing the pan and tilt servo. Only function on the shooting servo.

How to solve this problem?
Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

Could you post your robofile with the VBScript modification? We can't tell how to solve the problem without knowing the modifications that you made.

Ahmad from Malaysia  [2 posts] 8 year
Hi STeven,

Here is my modified robofile. Looking forward for any suggestion. Thanks

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