Hi Steven ,
I am using avm_navigator for recognize objects which flowing in same line. i have 20 different objects for recognize . My first question about avm's capacity, can i learn 20 different objects in one avm_navigator's database . (avm.dat) , I tried to learn two different object in one avm , but when i learned new object ,previous one was already forgotten. i am trying to learn objects to avm with those steps Avm_navigator-Set_key_image_size-Learn_object-learning..treaning-Ok, after those steps my objects has learned , but after doing those steps for new object previous one was gone and learned new one.
My second question is , if avm_navigator can handle 20 different objects learning , will i get some issue about missing objects because of fps or something like that.
I am using trial version of roborealm , and also avm too . if it can be reason, just tell me please.
Best Regards.
Can you describe or post an example image of what objects you are recognizing? I have a suspicion that you may not be using the AVM in the right way ... esp if the objects are very similar to each other.
Regardless, we'd need an example image from you to replicate the issue that you are having as we've not heard of that with the AVM before.
Note, if your fps is too slow, and images are not captured in time, there is NO way for RR to know that something was missing ... unless some other knowledge is present like objects are travelling in a straight or defined path .. again, my suspicion is that the AVM may not be the right tool for what you are doing but I don't know for sure until I see an example image.