Webcam suggestions
Sam Weber from United States  [1 posts]
9 year
Currently I'm using a Microsoft LifeCam Cinema 720p for a simple vision application.

However, it doesn't have the best mounting options for an industrial setting.

Which vendor would you recommend that has economical cameras (less than $200), that can also offer good mounting, maybe light-rings, etc?

Thank you
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year

We've actually created a mounting system for that camera (and its successor) that was initially inspired by what Trossen Robotics did with their pan tilt systems (they used the 720 camera). You can see from the attached picture how we did this ... the camera is pointing down.

If you have access to a laser machine I can probably find those vector files that you can use to cut your own (the image is of white acrylic). Its never been tested for extended periods so I'm not guaranteeing that it will be immune to vibration over a long period but it is the cheapest option! :-)

Otherwise, you can research the following sites for appropriate cameras. I don't have any in mind that are sub $200 since they often come out with new versions quite quickly:

Matrix-Vision - http://www.matrix-vision.com/usb3-vision-en.html
Occam Vision Group - http://occamvisiongroup.com/product/array-series-board-camera/
Ximea - http://www.ximea.com/en/usb3-vision-camera/xid
ImagingSource - http://www.theimagingsource.com/en_US/products/cameras/
Basler - http://www.baslerweb.com/en/products/area-scan-cameras/ace
PointGray - http://www.ptgrey.com/Cameras
IDS - https://en.ids-imaging.com/store/produkte/kameras/usb-3-0-kameras.html
Allied Vision - https://www.alliedvision.com/en/products/cameras.html



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