HSV and HLS laofan [1 posts] |
9 year
Will in the version 2.76.0,the module of HSV_Channel is the same as HLS_Channel , beside the title.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
9 year
They are very similar but not exactly the same. H (hue) is the same but S (saturation) is a bit different as well as L (lighting) / V (value).
The differences are not visible unless you open one in one tab and the other in another tab and then switch between the two to see the different output on the Saturation and Lightness. They are calculated differently according to those particular models.
This is the case where mathematically the calculations are very different but visually they look the same.
laofanfan [1 posts] |
9 year
But in my roborealm, why they use the same Dialog?
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
9 year
Opps, you are correct! They were using the same interface (but handling the conversion differently). That's corrected in the latest version.