Jean-Baptiste  [3 posts]
9 year

I want to make my robot move with the lynxmotion sequencer, but when I click on the buttons, nothing happens.

What do I have to do?

Thank you
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year
Are you referring to the lynxmotion sequencer program itself or the module in RR that talks to the sequencer?

If it is the sequencer, check your connection that you have a serial port to the SSC. That the SSC is power up and on, and that you have the right PWM connection to the SCC from the servo.

If it is the RR module, make sure the sequencer is up and running and accepting remote connections and that the port and IP number in the RR module is correct. Then press the connect button in the RR module. Assuming the sequencer app itself is able to control the servos then pressing one of the buttons in the RR module should do the same.

Jean-Baptiste  [3 posts] 9 year
Thanks for your answer.

My problem is  the RR module. I have the right port and the right IP adress, I can even see that there is a connection with the "log" of the RIOS software, but still no movements when I click on the buttons
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year
Just verified that the module still works with RIOS 1.06

What do you see in the log? I get

Receeived: <buttonpress: Blue Down>

when pressing the blue arrow buttons. Do you get the same in the log?

Note, your firewall needs to allow communication from RR to RIOS.

Jean-Baptiste  [3 posts] 9 year
I see the same thing in the log

Please watch the picture attached.

Thank you

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year

Can you download the most recent version of RR and give that a try? We found a potential issue in how RIOS was handing a terminating zero from the command sent. This has been addressed in the latest version.


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