AX 12 Dynamixel servo control
Nurul Fuad from Australia  [13 posts]
9 year
Hi Steven,

Currently, I have problem in connecting AX 12 Dynamixel servo. The servo is being recognized by RR however, when I did some programming to turn servo into certain angle, it did not work.

I use VBS script function.

This is my program that I have made and use the mean intensity value to move the servo.


'Get servo variables

meanIntensity = GetVariable ("MEAN_INTENSITY")
SetVariable "CENTRE", 512

'Servo rotate according to mean intensity value

if meanIntensity < 126 then

Position_New= CENTRE + 100

end if

SetVariable "Position_New", Position_New



1. What are the possible reasons for the servo is not moving?
2. Do I have to everytime check on the Robotis Dynamixel function before doing any programming coding in VBS script?

Your help are highly appreciated.


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