serial defaults
Roland from South Africa  [107 posts]
9 year

Hi STeven

Looking at the serial screen, most of the fields are blank. What are these default values? (where applicable)

Also, on these fields;
Refresh rate:  if I choose a value, I cannot then clear the field back to default.

Send rate: also cannot clear field once a value is chosen.

Clear serial buffer trigger: can clear field if desired.


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

The default values for the serial module are somewhat vacant as the Settings fields will be entirely dependent on the device that you are communicating with. The only other field that most use is the Send Message field which often just as something like


but this isn't a default because it again depends on what you want to send. This module like the HID, Socket, etc. modules are lower level communication modules with very open ended configuration and thus very few defaults.

The default blank field is actually the first selection (AFAP - As Fast As Possible) which is why it didn't have a blank entry. We've updated the module to already have these selected.


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