Face detect and greet (Fritz) Ted Lam from Hong Kong [3 posts] |
10 year
I have downloaded the "Roborealm" and use it in "Fritz" on the face detection function.
But is's not work.
I just open the XYZbot Fritz controller --Behavior--Face detect and greet
The Roborealm pop up and show the face detection
Any important configuration i need to set?
(I have seen the instruction on the website, it seems no assistance for me)
Thanks for your help
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
10 year
If you got that far (you see a green square around your face in the RR window) then that would be it as far as RR is concerned. The information would be communicated back to the Fritz app via the API which should then cause Fritz to say the appropriate message.
Do you see the Fritz interface that shows the multiple messages to speak once a face is detected?
Have you attached speakers to your laptop or turned up the volume?
You should also see the Fritz animation voice off the message that is being played when a face is detected depending on the time of day.
Ted Lam from Hong Kong [3 posts] |
10 year
I have tried to test in Fritz in the "Face detect and greet" mode
But no any response from that
I have attached speakers and seen the multiple message interface
but no face detection (When i put the camera to my face, no any voice produced by Fritz)
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
10 year
It seems that your camera image is not very clear ... how does your face appear in the camera? It might not be easily visible by the module and therefore not be detected. Also, if you have facial hair (beard, mustache) and or glasses that may stop the detection.