Kale from United States  [1 posts]
9 year
Hi all,
I'm working the kinect for my FRC team this year. The tutorial at http://www.roborealm.com/help/Microsoft_Kinect.php seems to speak speak about some sort of kinect module, but the only one I can find is the OpenNI_kinect module. The post is old so maybe that module only exists in older versions of the software. Any idea what module the tutorial is talking about, and if it no longer exists any ideas for solutions? all help appreciated
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year
Click on the search tab in RR and type in Kinect. You should see 3 modules.

Microsoft_Kinect - works with the earliest Kinect's ... quite a pain to get working due to lack of drivers.

OpenNI_Kinect, OpenNI2 - better and easier install but that particular org just closed its doors (OpenNI) so you might not be able to download their drivers.

The Kinect2 is now out with a better SDK but requires USB 3.0 and Win8. We don't yet have a module out for that.

So you can try the modules but will have trouble in getting them installed. RR is not the issue, its the drivers that support these devices are tricky to get working.

Thus the release of the Senz3D module. Simpler, cheaper and just works. :-)


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