Roborelam COG not appear
wongfeirang from Malaysia  [26 posts]
10 year
Hi Steven.
I had problem with new installed Roborealm on my Asus PC using Windows 8.1.
When I try to setup COG module, the COG variable did not appear. Why this happened? See photo for detail.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year
Its just off the image. If you add the Watch_Variable module (or just press CTRL-W) you will see all the variables with the COG_X and COG_Y still being set. The writing of the values on the image are just for convenience and do NOT indicate that the COG has disappeared ... you can still see the blue square right?

If you always want to print it in a particular location add the Display_Variables module and add COG_X and COG_Y.


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