can't load the VBS program
17 year
i don't know how to install the sciptsite.dll. when i run the VBS source program that type this title 'could not find registered sciptsite.dll! please place in the system 32 folder or in the same folder as the application and try again' who can help me solve this problem? how can i run the program successfully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 year
You probably need to download and install the VBScript module at


which should place the dll's in the correct place.

What OS are you using?

17 year
Sorry... i still don't  know which file i should download. and where i should place the dll's.  XP

thank you for your best regard!
Anonymous 17 year
Use your IE browser and paste the following url into it


Click on the "Continue" button.

If you are running a valid version of windows you will see a "Download" button. Click on that

And you should then see the following popup:

Click on the Run button in that popup and complete the install. That should do it.

Note you must be running a valid version of Windows using IE in order to do this. If you're not running a valid version of windows ... well, then we can't help you.


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