Media_Reader missing functionality
John Davis  [71 posts]
9 year
Media_Reader cannot read most of my videos.  They are usually .avi or .mpg.  Sometimes Media_Reader gives an error message, sometimes it just freezes.  It is not a problem of missing codecs; VLC and Windows Media Player have no problems with the same files on the same Windows 7 PC.

Even the shortest examples are too large to upload, but here is what VLC reports about one of the .avi files that RR cannot handle:

Stream 0
    Type: Video
    Codec: Packed YUV 4:2:2, Y:U:Y:V (YUY2)
    Resolution: 240x180
    Display resolution: 240x180
    Frame rate: 29.970029

Here is the same information about another file the RR does handle:

Stream 0
    Type: Video
    Codec: MPEG-4 Video (XVID)
    Resolution: 320x240
    Frame rate: 15
    Decoded format: Planar 4:2:0 YUV

I converted the 'bad' .avi file with Movavi to the following format, still with the .avi suffix, which does work with RR:

Codec: MPEG-4 Video (XVID)
Resolution: 240x180
Frame rate: 29.970000
Decoded format: Planar 4:2:0 YUV
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Unfortunately, most of the video codec stuff is in Windows. We've found that if the windows Media Player works it will normally play with the Media_Reader module since we *think* it uses the same functions. Alas, once we pass things off to windows we lose track of what works and what does not. You could try the AVI_Reader module which uses older WinAPI functions which sometimes works when Media_Reader does not.

The formats you specified are supported but its probably just something about the video that the media_reader is not configuring correctly but we don't know what that would be.

I've checked a bunch of random avi and mp4s with no issue. At this point it would be much more effective if we can either get a link to your video or a link to a video that you are having issues with so that we can test further. I was also using Win7 64bit to check these files.

If anyone else has this same issue and do have a link that we can get access to that video please post it here!

We have also researched including the VLC DLL into RR as a video playback option but that's a much larger endeavor which will take a while to add.

John Davis  [71 posts] 9 year
Here is a link to a 30-second AVI clip which RR Media_Reader cannot handle.


title is Dashboard Camera
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Can you confirm that link? I don't see Dashboard Camera referenced or see anywhere to download the avi clip. I also looked at your other blog posts but don't see that anywhere. Google also doesn't see anything on your blog to download.

John Davis  [71 posts] 9 year
Here is the page I'm staring at:


If I use the previous link, it doesn't show the last post.  The attached jpeg is a capture from the page that does show the clip.  Now that I have saved the evidence, I will experiment to see what else is needed.  Maybe I need to confirm something before the post actually appears.

John Davis  [71 posts] 9 year
Ok, I clicked on View Blog and got this page:


Obviously, I don't blog very often.  Please let me know what you see.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year
I see the flash video but no option to download an avi ...


John Davis  [71 posts] 9 year
The uploaded original AVI file is now on Dropbox at the link I emailed.  Please tell me that this time it works for you! :(
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year
Sorry, no, the folder is empty (most likely we don't have permission to anything in it).

You could try


and upload your file and then send me the shared link (or use the site contact form to sent it to us). That link goes away in 30 days.


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