Getting started
Alex Drysdale from New Zealand  [2 posts]
10 year
Please ignore that I have selected "hand gestures". There is no option available for the simple problem I cannot solve.

In reading the help files it seems to me there is a huge amount of assumed knowledge I just don't have.

I have read most of the online tutorials but I still have no idea how to get started.

Remembering all the correct steps for all the different parts in the correct sequences for each sub-part becomes a fog as the complexity builds.

Has anyone built a simple set of flow charts with just a few key words on them to indicate which part of the system instructions should be read or referred to, to help make the best choice at each decision point?

For the new user it is too difficult to make any correct decisions when one has no knowledge of the consequences or complications arising from making a particular decision.

My fields of expertise include agriculture, chemistry, engineering (mechanical and electronics), natural fibre science, programming industrial knitting machines and knitwear manufacture. But none of these has given me enough experience to just jump into Roborealm.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

Do you have a quick example perhaps in a different industry of such a flow chart? My concern is that we can interpret your comments but will probably come up with a very different end result that what you were thinking of.

Note that as this is still very much a cutting edge technology and even with 20+ years of doing this I still get surprised about what works and what doesn't. At *lot* of time is spent trying various techniques in order to achieve a desired result. Most of our consulting work is spent doing exactly that and testing against a larger database of images to ensure that changes improve the overall goal ... which is a very tedious and frustrating process! Its actually the reason RoboRealm was created because we were getting tired of the tweak, compile, test iteration that is often required in a vision project. RoboRealm certainly helps with that but we're still a ways away from automating this process.

Alex Drysdale from New Zealand  [2 posts] 10 year
Hi Steven

I had a look around and there was nothing that fitted well so I have started to make my own set of "beginner’s notes". I will update these as I progress through the tutorial videos and the Documentation pages.

So I think I may have answered my own question. It’s up to you if you want my notes on the forum. I am happy either way.

Thanks lots and best regards Alex.

A beginner’s guide to getting started with Roborealm.

As a new comer to Roborealm, when I first tried to understand what was going on I was confronted with one of the steepest learning curves I have ever tried to climb. For me to try to understand what I needed to do, I have resorted to leaving a breadcrumb trail through the documentation. By tracking where I have been and what I have read I began to see what I needed to use to make it all work.
The bread crumb trail also helps Steven unravel what I have done wrong or misunderstood when I start asking all the newbie questions.
Check list:
1.    Laptop or other computing platform.
2.    A web cam.
3.    Roborealm downloaded, installed and licenced.
4.    A robot.
5.    A simple task for the robot to complete when assisted by machine vision.
6.    Enough “tools” and assorted stuff that lets you make, modify and adapt things when they fall short of your expectations. ”Tools” is a collective noun for many many different things. They might be screwdrivers and wrenches just as they might be special macros you have devised and written to perform special tasks. If they make your job simpler easier and faster they are a valuable “tool” and you need to keep them safe so they can be used at any time.
Skill Sets:
1.    It is helpful if you know when you don’t know what is going on – it’s time to do some more reading or ask for help.
2.    Able to or willing to learn to follow simple instruction sets – it’s just so easy to try to rush ahead and miss a vital step.
3.    Some ability or support for keeping all the mechanical, electronic, logic, coding and problem solving issues under control – it’s great if you already have all the required skill sets and it’s great if you can learn some new ones too.
Step 1:
Follow Stevens “Getting Started” video carefully and take notes – he reals off mission critical pointers like there is no tomorrow.
1.    Start the Roborealm application, the first image has important pointers to help you find your way around the GUI. Try running the introduction video on one side of the screen and the GUI on the other side.  Stop and start the video as you replicate all the steps Steven takes you through. Do this a couple of times so you get good at making the required adjustments. It will also help you remember the basic “first steps”.

2.    Colour is a rather important part of vision, check out the visual spectrum and note the colours of the rainbow – ROYGBIV. Then there’s black and white, contrast, hue and a whole lot of stuff about how colour is perceived by us and by cameras. Take special note of the effects of compression algorithms that remove important information that is needed to help machine vision work better.

3.    Gather up all other Roborealm tutorials you can find and give them the same treatment. Suddenly the fog begins to lift and the way forward is presented in a clear and simple way.  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=roborealm+tutorial  
There are many YouTube Roborealm Tutorials. Adding some other key words to your search like -
    roborealm+tutorial+camera gave some unexpected results.

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