Spykee arrow key control
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts]
10 year
I need help controlling my spykee with arrow keys because im trying to use AVM navigator to move it around. Im using the Erector_Spykee to connect to it and control it by clicking the interface arrows with my mouse but im aiming to make the spykee controllable with arrow keys.

EDV  [328 posts] 10 year
Just try to use variables "NV_L_MOTOR_128" and "NV_R_MOTOR_128" in motor control of Erector Spykee.
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
i tried it but then spykee started moving backwards by itself (avm wasn't enabled) he just kept moving backwards, bumping into things.
EDV  [328 posts] 10 year
I think you should to convert values of  "NV_L_MOTOR" and "NV_R_MOTOR" ("-100 " - full power backwards, "100" - full power forwards, "0" - motor off) to convenient format for Erector_Spykee. Try to use "Scale Variable" module or "VBScript Plugin" for this purpose.

See here for example: http://forums.trossenrobotics.com/showthread.php?4764-Using-of-AVM-plugin-in-RoboRealm&p=47743#post47743
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
Could you add me on skype? then you can use teamviewer to assist me if im doing it wrong? Skype: jamie.linney (from Bournemouth)
EDV  [328 posts] 10 year
No, sorry, I don't have time for it. But I can try to help you in this thread.
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
ah, ok but i'm really confused. it's very urgent that you can help and explain it more clearly
EDV  [328 posts] 10 year
Okay, can you manually check values for motor control of Erector Spykee?

Which values should be set for robot control (moving forward, backward, stop)?
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
Well, i'm not sure since im kind of a newbie. the motor control is when i putted both of the variables you said to me but spykee kept moving backwards or kept spinning around in circles.
EDV  [328 posts] 10 year
Okay, let's try to make it clear with this picture:

Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
Like this?

Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
He keeps moving backwards, not sure why...
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
AMAZING!!! I figured out how to control him with arrow keys now :) thanks for your help :D
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
One last thing, how do i do with with my IP camera aswell (pan and tilt)
Jamie Linney from United Kingdom  [10 posts] 10 year
Actually, nevermind. but can you tell me how to make spykee's motors slow down because when spykee sees a moving, he tries to go there but hes going zig zag or spinning around because he has no idea where the object went.

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