How to control a remote blimp using Parallel Port from PC
Dave from Macau  [1 posts]
17 year
At frist, this is a powerful wesite that let me know more about robot.
i want to make a remote blimp that can follow a line. at fact, i have already bought a remote blimp for this project, but i don't know how to control the remote control of blimp by using parallel port. who can help me slove this problem. million thX.
Anonymous 17 year
Well you might try:
17 year
You may also want to have a look at http://www.endurance-rc.com/ that sells a USB device to connect your PC to the trainer port in an RC controller. Does not use the Parallel port but not sure if that is a strict requirement.

Anonymous 17 year
you are solve my problem completely!!!!
the website is so powerful ~
thank a lot ~~~~

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