use the roborealm to read DataMatrix
Xiao Ping Zeng from Australia  [5 posts]
10 year
How are you.

I have bought the software and used it to read the information of the Electronic component  including DataMatrix,common barcode for a period,it is a good software;unfortunately this software can not read the DataMatrix, now Most of the electronic components with DataMatrix ,so I hope you would help me to deal with this problem, thank you.

Thank you,


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

Thanks for your note. We are currently working on getting the datamatrix barcode integrated into RR. That will take a couple more weeks to accomplish. I will post here with any updates.

Note, your image might be a bit low in resolution for the datamatrix code .. I don't know this for a fact just yet but if its possible to take the images in a higher resolution I think that might work better for all codes.


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