color detection program
thanga rajah from Malaysia  [1 posts]
10 year
Hi steven,
I'm doing an exact project as in this link (http://www.instructables.com/id/Automatic-Poker-Chip-Sorter/ ) but unfortunately i was unable to contact the author of this project for assistance.

I'm hoping that you could help me (step by step if possible) setup RoboRealm so that it could detect 2 different colored object and communicate to arduino before arduino sends data to a servo motor to either rotate right or left. I could manage arduino part but i'm lost at RoboRealm setup to detect different color and then send data to arduino. Could you please help me since i have been stuck at this project for 2 months and this project is for one of my University subject .

Really really appreciate your time. Thanks.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year
The first step is to get an image of all 3 chips from the point of view of the camera. Most likely all you need is the RGB Filter module and then check the value to see which channel has the highest value. That would give you a good indication of the color being seen. Once that is determined, you would pass that value to the Arduino. The value calculated in the following example is the servo pwm number with 1500 being center and 1000 and 2000 being left and right. You may need to adjust the values for your setup as well as configure the COM port but the basics are there. Drag the chip images into RR to see the PWM value on pin3 change.




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