Reading an Image exif file
Waz from Australia  [2 posts]
11 year
Can RR read the EXIF data from an image?
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
It didn't ... but it does now. If you download the latest version and check Options->Application->Read EXIF checkbox and load in images it will save all of them as EXIF_XXX in the global variables that you can see using the watch module. The variables can then be used in all modules.

Waz from Australia  [2 posts] 11 year
Sweeeet!!!! Cheers!
James Yonng from United States  [1 posts] 11 year
This .NET Imaging Processing SDK allows you to add flexible retrieve information capabilities to any desktop & web applications. Image pixel information, like RGB red, green, yellow values, image hue, lightness, saturation values and more are easily detected if you load images.

evanpan  [2 posts] 10 year
Hi, James Yonng.
Thanks for your nice sharing. I am also testing the related image processing SDKs these days. Here are its tutorials about it:
Any difference between them? Which one is much more convenient? Do you have any ideas about it? Or any good suggestion? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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