Email Module MAPI james yates from United States [1 posts] |
11 year
I'm trying to setup a simple program to e-mail an image using the MAPI feature in the email module. I currently have Thunderbird setup as the default email service but RR keeps popping up an error "Failed to send email. Check that you can send an email with your Outlook, Thunderbird, etc. program." Thunderbird is working fine. I even tried toggling the Mapi settings in thunderbird config editor with no working combination.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
10 year
We think we found the issue. If you had specified an attachment, the temporary file was not being saved in a location that Thunderbird (perhaps others) could access. They simply would ignore the email without returning any reason why which made it a bit confusing.
If you download the latest version this should be fixed ... or alternatively just avoid sending an attachment by selecting nothing where the "Image Attachment" dropdown is specified.