Memory usage is increasing over time by switching cameras
dong from Australia  [2 posts]
11 year
We want to buy the Roborealm for my factory,but now i have a question. We are using multiple webcams to take several photos and get barcodes. The problem is that rr.setCamera("on") and rr.setCamera("off")  switch a webcam to another each by each to take photo, but the memory is never release. Then the system popped out an error 'capture Failed! Is this video source already in use? failed with error 14: not enough storage is available to complete this operation'.

Kindly Regards
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

Thanks for the note. It seems that the memory used by DirectX was not being freed correctly. We noticed this immediately by just clicking the camera button on and off a couple times. The memory increases quite quickly just by doing this.

The problem was identified and a fix uploaded. Please download the latest version and this issue should be resolved.

dong from Australia  [2 posts] 10 year

thank you  for your help,when I turn on or off just one camera,the memory is cleared immediately. But the memory couldn't be released when we switch one camera to another. Even if we turn the camera off first. So it seems that we cannot use multiple caremas switching rotationally.
look forward to hearing from you
sincerely yours,
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

There are many ways to swtich between cameras in RR, how are you doing it?

Xiao Ping Zeng from Australia  [5 posts] 10 year

Thank you for your help.  The memory can be  released when I change the camera. I have paid for the software,  but I  have  encountered some problems using the soft to read barcode.

Firstly , I can not read  two-dimensional barcode and common barcode in Annex called Word2007. docx with RoboRealm  software,  however  they can be red by  scanner, so I hope the RoboRealm can read barcode in the Attachment,especial  two-dimensional barcode in  Word2007. docx .

Secondly, please give me some advice which kind of camera can make full use of   RoboRealm to read the barcode.

Thank you,

Xiao Ping Zeng from Australia  [5 posts] 10 year

Thank you for your help.  The memory can be  released when I change the camera. I have paid for the software,  but I  have  encountered some problems using the soft to read barcode.

Firstly , I can not read  two-dimensional barcode in barcode1.jpg and common barcode in Annex  called barcode2.jpg with RoboRealm  software,  however  they can be red by  scanner, so I hope the RoboRealm can read barcode in the Attachment,especial  two-dimensional barcode in barcode1.jpg .

Secondly, please give me some advice which kind of camera can make full use of   RoboRealm to read the barcode.

Thank you,


Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

The 2 dimensional barcode is a data matrix barcode that we are still in development for. We should have that out in about a month.

The second image shows barcodes with too low a resolution. You should increase the camera resolution or move the camera closer to get a better image. You can notice that the bars in that barcode cannot be individually identified in the image which is why they cannot be recognized. They appear to be code 128 barcodes so be sure to have that selected when testing.


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