xtion image reversed in openni2 Dave Everett from Australia [18 posts] |
10 year
I've just started using the openni2 module with my xtion pro live.
I thought the line data was a little funny when I realised the image is reversed in the module. I've attached a grab, the objects showing on the right in the roborealm window are in fact on the left.
Dave Everett from Australia [18 posts] |
10 year
Looks like it might be the MIRRORING flag, from the programmers reference:
Mirroring causes the VideoStream to appear as if seen in a mirror – ie, the image is transformed by reflecting all pixels across the vertical axis. To enable or disable mirroring, use the VideoStream::setMirroringEnabled() function. Pass in TRUE to turn on mirroring, and FALSE to turn it off. The current mirroring setting can be queried by using the getMirroringEnabled() function.
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
10 year
A Horizontal Flip checkbox was added to OpenNI and OpenNI2 module that should do this. Please download the latest RR version to get this update.
Dave Everett from Australia [1 posts] |
10 year