Barcode 128A
Ateeque from India  [3 posts]
11 year
Hi, I am New to RR. I have an application in which I want to decode the barcode 128A, I had tried using barcode module but it is not working for the 128A barcode. I checked on forum and with the example for Maxicode, I am able to decode. So I need to know whether it is possible to read the barcode 128A?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
Can you include an example of an image that you tested that didn't seem to work? That will help us determine if the current Code128 that we have is not sufficient for your purposes or perhaps why the identification is not working as expected.

Ateeque from India  [3 posts] 11 year
Hi, Here is the image for the barcode I am working on.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
Yea, there's the problem. The image quality is way to poor for recognition. You will need better focus than that on the bar code. What webcam are you using? Do you have a higher resolution one?

Compare it with the attached:


cindy from United States  [2 posts] 11 year
check this barcode 128 reader
Nana111 from United States  [3 posts] 11 year
Hi there
Thanks for your sharing.I am looking for a barcode scanner which supports to read code 128.I want to get a free trial package.Is there  a free trial for you program?I have got one from another barcode 128 generater:
It is powerful but it can not work offline.
Thanks for any suggestion
mariahlewis from United States  [1 posts] 11 year
er.. how about this barcode reader .net ,which reads qr code, pdf-417 ,code 39,code 128,etc.
and there is a guide for barcode reader .

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