Counting Dice Tutorial
Jacques Roth from United States  [4 posts]
10 year
I just set up Roborealm for the first time and I probably am doing something wrong.  I have a PS3 Eye camera connected and tried all the example files and they all worked.  I got strange troubles on the dice tutorial, however.  I would often see old images of the die even after I had been running the camera on a different face (for example I had a 3 showing now but I was seeing a frame with a 5 showing, or I would see 5 green dots from a previous filtering overlaid on an image of a die showing a 6 and I could move my hand in front of the camera to prove it was not a stored image).  I will play with it more later today, try to get better lighting and more familiar with how to run the software and see if I can figure it out.  
Jacques Roth from United States  [4 posts] 10 year
The problem seems to be related to the Average filter.  I can get the program to work by removing it and I do not see any old images anymore.  It is supposed to be a 10 frame average and without it I see about 25 fps, so there should only be a very small delay, perhaps a bug.  I am using Windows 7.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

It seems that the continuous checkbox in the Averaging module was not checked. This causes the first 10 frames to be created as a background and then stops updating. We've resaved those robofiles to have that on. You can either download them again from the site of just check that single checkbox in the Averaging module and that should start working as expected.

Note that it averages 10 frames continuously, i.e. each new frame contributes to one frame with 9 past frames so the delay will be minimal but you still get a time averaging effect.


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