from United States  [2 posts]
11 year

I have been using RoboRealm for several weeks with very good success. However, I now want to start using some of my high end camera's. I have several network camera that I could stream the vido and then snap off photo's as needed. My problem is that I have no idea on how to make the connection. I have configured the IP address though Cognex's application. I even have been able to write an app in VB net 2010. But Roborealm I do not know how to either connect via its IP address or through Cogenex's dll. I need detailed instruction's on how to make the connections.

By the way I have 2 cameras Insight 1000 & insight 5403
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

If there is any chance we could look at the VB app you wrote, we can probably create a module that will directly connect to the camera and import an image.


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