Joystick variables over distributor server/client
John Melms from United States  [3 posts]
11 year
I am using the distributor server/client modules to control my robot (a converted wheelchair).  I have a laptop on the robot connected to a Sabertooth 2x25 via a ttl to usb connector.  I am using a joystick on my desktop PC to control the robot.  I am sending the variables via the Distributor client on the PC to the server on the robot (joystick variables: ff1;ff2).  The issue I am having is that the variables transmit just fine while I am moving the controller button, but the moment I take it back to center (ff1=0;ff2=0) it is often retaining old joystick position information.  

Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.

John Melms from United States  [3 posts] 11 year
I reverted back to version 2.48.17 and the Client/Distributor problem cleared up.  I believe the issue came sometime after this version.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

We made some corrections to the Distributor modules. Can you try with the latest version and see if you still get the same behavior?


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