USB Missle Launcher
aldebaron from United States  [3 posts]
17 year

I do have a number of webcams around but was interested in the one that Roboreal uses. Mostly because of size (weight). Can you specify or recommend one, please ?
Camera used on USB Missile Launcher
17 year
We just picked up a camera that we had lying around and did not purchase one specifically for the launcher. To be specific we used


which is a really cheap IR camera but it does not have very clear quality images under normal conditions. Thus we would not recommend that camera for usage in situations where quality images are needed. However, in low or no light situations the camera does well. For example for a line tracker the camera works really well since most line tracker cameras will be low to the ground and thus not have much light.

Note that we do not use just one camera with RoboRealm but switch between about 10 different cameras for different usages.

re: cam for missle launcher
aldebaron from United States  [3 posts]
17 year
Steven - hi from WBR

thanks for the cam info. will scope it out. Have you seen the ugraded launcher version: Striker II ? Could be some robot fun, combo laser / camera :) plus its got api's

Striker II
17 year
Hello WBR!

Yes, we did see that new version. We were wondering if the old USB codes even work with the new system (without the laser button though ...). We haven't had much demand for the new Striker II so it is not yet in the development pipeline. If anyone else would like to see that added please say so here!!

Anonymous 16 year
I just got the Striker II and they changed the controls. :) it would be great if you can add Striker II support

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