parallel port
jorge holguin from United States  [13 posts]
11 year
I want to "read" the status of the parallel port pin #13 and based on it's status initiate an action.
Can someone tell me how to program this in the pipeline?.

I have already included a parallel port module in the pipeline and when I ground pin #13 (ie. short circuit to pin #25) I see pin #13 in the parallel module changing  state. The problem is that I do not know how to use it in the pipeline.
I will appreciate any help on this.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
In that same interface, do you see where the Variable dropdowns are? Just type in a word (like pin13value) and that will set that variable to the value of pin 13 (either 0 or 1). You can then use that variable in other modules.

See attached.

jorge holguin from United States  [13 posts] 11 year
Great!. Thanks.

I have one more question:
Why am I getting this weird numbers?.

ie. when input #13 is not grounded, I got -1610612734
when input #13 is grounded, I got 536870914.

instead of a clean 0 or 1 respectively?.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
If you set the bit number (ie. select 1 in the bit dropdown) then you should get a clean 1 or 0.

jorge holguin from United States  [13 posts] 11 year
I set the bit you recomend to 1 and still no clean 1/0.
I am getting -2147483648/0 ?
I attached a jpg file where you can see the parallel and the watch variables modules.
The variable in question is "PartePresente" (in Spanish).
What's wrong?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

If you download the latest version this issue should be fixed.


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