border detection
Madhav Krishna Uppalapati from Sweden  [2 posts]
11 year
       I am trying to detect the border's of curved metal plate, i want to match the border location from the 1st pic with border location in second pic taken from a slightly different position and calculate difference in distance (x,y). I am new to image processing so its bit confusing. I would appreciate any kind of help with this problem.

Madhav Krishna Uppalapati from Sweden  [2 posts] 11 year
Hi Guys,
                    I am still having the problem with detecting the edge and getting the coordinates of the edge in the image. I am uploading the image that i am working with. I am also having problem with program crashes when ever i try to open a saved robo file. Any kind of help is highly appreciated.



Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

See if the attached gets you any closer. If you still have problems, include both images that you want to compare.

Note, it seems that the image you posted was already scaled by some amount. We reduce that back down to improve the image quality to what it was originally which helps to keep edges sharp.


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