Batch processing multiple AVI source files
Carl Ott from United States  [5 posts]
11 year
Can anybody direct point to examples showing the easiest / best way(s) to run a robo script on an arbitrary number of existing AVI files?

The challenge is to process dozens or hundreds of 5 to 15 minute AVI source files at a time, and create processed output AVI files using a script similar to the attached robo file.

I could not find a suitable iteration construct w/in RoboRealm, so I am looking for simple examples such as BAT scripts or visual basic programs to call RoboRealm.  I presume these would either pass source and result filenames to RoboRealm using text files and the Read-Variables module, or perhaps call the RoboRealm API directly.

Any advice or examples?


Carl Ott from United States  [5 posts] 11 year
Thanks to STeven for recommending VirtualDub as an alternative way to facilitate batch processing by RoboRealm.  VirtualDub is a utility that can concatenate video files without recompressing, and reduces the desire to allow RoboRealm to index through multiple AVI files.

In VirtualDub, after loading in the first clip of a sequence, select File - "Append AVI segment", to select the next file in a sequence.  If your filenames include an obvious index in the last few digits, be sure to check the box "Autodetect additional segments by filename".  VirtualDub will then detect and append as many sequenced files as it finds in the folder, and in the message area it will indicate the last expected filename, which was not found and terminated the appending.

Next, be sure to select "Direct stream copy" from the Video pulldown menu, to avoid recompressing.

After all segments are loaded in, select File - "Save as AVI", to produce a single file based on multiple source files.

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