Waypoint Question and Feature Request
Jon  [1 posts]
11 year
What is the waypoint format for an array of waypoints for the GPS reader. I saw the example on the VBscript page but those points seem to be pixel locations for a different module?

ReDim points(4)

points(0) = 100
points(1) = 100
points(2) = 150
points(3) = 200

Would this work

ReDim points (4)

points(0)=-102.235,122.123  ' <--- Not real GPS point but just for an example

Also could you add for the ability to import waypoints from a file? such as the Google Earth/Maps KML/KMZ format? I was over 100 waypoints and entering those by hand takes forever!

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

The format would be more like

ReDim points (4)


in lat long sets.

If you can post an example of a KML/KMZ file we can take a look and possibly improve the Edit button in the GPS module to accept this format.


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