Set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables
David Chik from Japan  [31 posts]
11 year
Is it possible to set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables that can be controlled by VBScript ? For example, when the robot sees A then it displays a photo and plays a speech related to A but when it sees B it outputs another things that are related to B. Thank you very much for your help.

David Chik from Japan  [31 posts] 11 year
How can I load multiple images and display one of them as controlled by vbscript? The documentation is unclear. Can anyone help me?

David Chik from Japan  [31 posts] 11 year
OK. Steve teaches me that one way to do so is to use a few IF-Statement modules to enclose the Load Image and Display Image modules.
David Chik from Japan  [31 posts] 11 year
2.50.3 - Updated Wav Player module to accept [my_variable] expression so variables can be used to specify filenames.

Great, Steven! Thank you very much indeed!

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