Script and image Count
11 year
I have Roborealm running 24/7. In the VBScript module I've noticed it counts the amount of times it's run the script and how many images it's processed. Is there a maximum these can reach and what will happen if it gets there?
Is there a way to automatically reset the count if it will cause a problem.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
Yes, there is a maximum, it will be a signed 32 bit number or 2,147,483,647. If that is exceeded the number will probably jump negative. If you are running at 30 fps that will take about 2 years to have that issue. Assuming you never expect to have a power failure in 2 years you may want to restart it once a year.

Anonymous 11 year
Excellent. Thanks for that.

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