Custom Rotate module crashes for me...
Mark  [7 posts]
18 year
I'm having difficulty in rotating an image by a few degrees. The 90, 180, 270 and flips work well, but when I try the custom setting, the program aborts.  I tried multiple pictures and resolutions.  I tried using an If-Then loop to allow the rotate to only happen once.  I thought it might be a case of repeated rotates trying to spin the image like a propeller.  No luck.  

Any thoughts?

Rotation issues
18 year

Can you post the image here that you are trying to rotate. It is most likely the image dimensions that are causing an issue.

Some pictures
Mark  [7 posts]
18 year
When the pics I was working on didn't work, I tried the sample remo pic that came with the program

It didn't work, so I cropped it to a square

No luck there so  I tried  one from another post that you talked about rotating in order to get the lump to the a position on the screen where it could be measured for width.

No luck again.

I've attached a program showing the tools I've used.


Rotate Fixed
18 year

We got that error. Thanks very much!

We've uploaded a new version of RR v1.7.2.30 Please download and try it again.

Also, based on the robo-file that you included you probably do not want to use the if statement as that will cause the image to rotate once, then when a new image is captured it will not be rotated since Rot will be =1. Keep in mind that each loop iteration of the pipeline is started from scratch when a new image is acquired. Thus the rotated image is lost at the end of the pipeline and a new non-rotated one is captured from your webcam (or reloaded from disk) and then the pipeline is started again.

Hope this helps,


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