Python 32 bit DLL on Win 7 ia64
John Davis  [71 posts]
11 year
Got the missing "phython30" (sic) dll error message, but cannot resolve by installing 32-bit python, not even with python 3.0 which installs python30.dll.
the platform is ZOTAC ZBOX nano ID61.  64-bit Celeron CPU with Windows 7.
Where does Roborealm 2.49.10 expect to find this DLL?
John Davis  [71 posts] 11 year
Problem solved!  I had previously installed python for myself only.  I uninstalled python and reinstalled for all users.  

STeve, the error message should be updated to correct the spelling of 'phython', omit the version number, and tell user to install for everyone.  I don't know if this is unique to Windows 7.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Thanks for the tip. The message has been updated to reflect that spelling correction and install issue.

Anonymous 11 year
I just upgraded to RR 2.49.12. I also got the RR no python33 dll. My version of python is 2.7, available to all. I am running Windows XP. I did the re install as suggested and made python available to all...no joy. Since I tend to use the API, this is not devastating, but I thought you would like to know.
Steve: Thanks for your great work.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
You have to upgrade to python 3.0 or 3.3. Python 2.7 is no longer supported. We're just following what http://www.python.org/ does and since 3.0 is not backward compatible with 2.7 we can't support anything but 3.0+ going forward.


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