Object Recognition
Ralph from South Africa  [4 posts]
11 year
The x and y coord variables of the OR module currently have a resolution of 2 pixels. This seems to be independant of overall screen resolution. Would it be possible to improve this to 1 pixel or better?

When tracking at higher speeds, the tracking window tends to stay behind permanently at the last position before it lost the object, still displaying the last known confidence figure. The module will re-recognise the object and start tracking again, then showing both the old and new tracking windows.
Is there something new I can try to get rid of this?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Which method are you using in the Object Recognition module?

Ralph from South Africa  [4 posts] 11 year
I'm using shape matching. I've managed to improve the performance, adjusting the angle filters , increasing tracking confidence and switching to the high speed ximea cameras.(Forum ref: Ximea issue).
When tracking at speed and the object is lost, the old tracking window still remains at the last tracked position for a while, slowly reducing it's confidence figure until it goes below the set threshold.Is there a way to improve this performance?
This would allow a lower tracking confidence percentange, improving the high speed tracking.

The 2 pixel resolution on the x and y coords still remains, even though the display is sub-pixel ready.


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