Feature Request - Save vision algorithm as word/pdf reports
Barney from United States  [14 posts]
11 year
Hi Steven,

I have been using RoboRealm for a while now and have also recommend it to several people.

While conducting research, I have to write reports on the vision algorithm that I have developed using roborealm as well as show the effect of each stage of the algorithm on a camera feed.

It would be great to have a module that allowed saving of all steps of the roborealm code along with the resultant image for every step. This would generate a kind of roborealm report that i can include as an appendix in a project. It would be even more helpful if there was also an option to include the description of the module.

Currently I have to do this by taking snapshots and then manually including them in word along with module name and description. For a code with 60-80 modules, it becomes tedious.  

It would be even more useful if the user could choose major modules from the code and show their effect as a mosaic on one/two pages of A4 paper. The module names can be annotated below/on each image. This way two different algorithms can be compared by looking at their respective mosaics and this would help the user identify the effect of changes made. In addition, such reports can be easily archived for records as well.

Currently I have to do this by using the marker and mosaic module. Also, I have to use annotation to manually enter the module name on the image. The problem is when I insert mosaics, markers and annotations it is tedious, make the code look dirty, and slows the processing.

I hope my feedback help in making RoboRealm even better.

Pranav Trehun

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