Plugin Samsung Galaxy SII / Tab
Cherault from France  [8 posts]
12 year
Dear all,

I would like to use my phone Samsung Galaxy SII as an ip webcam, to drive an hexapod, through Roborealm as an avoidance obstacle capacity.

In other words, using the phone camera, it will transmit to my PC in WIFI the video flow, doing an image processing within Roborealm and send it back to the hexapod via RF (Xbee).

How could i acquire the video flow from my phone to the PC within Roborealm ?
I saw a lot of forum, i tried through a web navigator using HTTP Get, but don't seems work.

Could you help me please ?


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 12 year

This should be possible. What app are you using to create the phone as an IP camera? "IP Cam Viewer Lite"?

Each app will probably use a different URL. Assuming you have this app running correctly you should be able to see the video stream from a webbrowser. What url do you use to view this? If that isn't working, its unlikely it will work with the Read_HTTP module.


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