Shape Recognition
Joey from France  [1 posts]
12 year

My name is Joey, I am a Student (18 Years old). I live in France and I am doing a project with 3 others for school.
We are trying to use a Camera to recognize shapes. Our true object is to give information about the environment around a Blind Person.

We are using the feature in RoboRealm called: Shape_Match. Our equipment constits of a Tracking Camera and a WhiteBoard, on this WhiteBoard we made 3 shapes: a Circle, a Square and a Triangle. We cut the images and were able to "Train" them with the Shape_Match feature.
This is working very smoothly, maybe it doesn't always find the right shape but we are fine with this.

However our new goal is too add sound to the Shape_Match feature in this way a Blind Person can hear.
We found a feature called Speak in the Audio, this uses a VBS. file which is great !
Now we are trying to figure out a way to add the Sound to the Shapes, for example if the Camera recognizes a Circle we would like the Computer to actually say it.
Is this possible ? If so could you maybe explain how this works, I am eager to learn but I am not a pro at scripting.

Thanks for reading, hope you know a solution !

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