Vex and Roborealm
Jt from United States  [4 posts]
12 year
Hi I am using vex to control 5 motors and I want roborealm to detect an object and tell the motors to pick it up can you please help me with that I am beginner so I need help with the whole process.

Thank you
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 12 year

What you are asking for is an involved process that is very difficult to do over email. As a beginner, what I would recommend is getting in touch with a local robotics club or contest that can better provide you with advice in person and help you through the various stages. There are many resources available on the web that you can use but none will tell you exactly how to do what you are asking for. Most projects are unique so first understanding the basics on moving motors and reacting to sensors is your first step. Using vision is normally an advanced topic in robotics. First start with getting your motors to move and be able to read simple sensors. Then you can add in vision as needed.

You can check


to see if there is a club in your local area.

If you are related to a school, I would also check to see if you have any resources available there to help you with such a project.


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