Interfacing 20kpps X-Y Galvo / Galvanometer scanner with Roborealm
from United States  [36 posts]
12 year
Hey guy
I am new one here. I am wondering if it possible to interface 20kpps X-Y Galvo / Galvanometer scanner with Roborealm  so that processed image can be drawn on wall in realtime? Any kind of help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Anonymous 12 year

Yes, it is certainly possible assuming one has access to what commands the scanner accepts in order to move the laser and switch it on/off. I assume that you have this scanner? Do you have any documentation attached to that device that indicates this type of command structure where you can control the scanner over a serial port connection? This information would be required in order for us to write such a module.

A quick search didn't give us much in terms of this kind of control.


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