How to detect light?
12 year
Hi everyone. I'm new on roborealm software and for a I project I need to detect the light emission. Do you know how to do that using the roborealm filters?

thank you !!
Anonymous 12 year

You'll have to be a bit more specific. Cameras detect light ... so what kind of light do you want to detect?

Perhaps you can include a picture of what you are taking about which would help to narrow down your requirements.

Anonymous 12 year
I'm talking about the sun light. This project contains one robot with a camera. And I want to detect the light coming from the holes from de tube and make a circle around it.  Imagine a inspection robot, it will detect the holes inside a oil duct. If you have holes there, the sunlight will go though it. I want to use roborealm to make a circle and detect this sun light coming though the hole.
Please let me know if you stil not understand what I want. He'll will be very pleasure here.

Anonymous 12 year

Do you have an example image of what that would look like? There are many ways to detect such a light and indicate it with a circle.

For example, the include robofile has a star image in it which it detects and surrounds each star with a red circle. Is that what you need?

Anonymous 12 year
NO there is not a specific image... Imagine that you detect the sunlight coming though a window, now the software will detect and put one circle around it. the software will show where there is a higher sunlight coming.

thanks for your attention STeven
Anonymous 12 year
I think that rather than us guessing on what that might look like, perhaps you can find an image (even if it is not your own) that best represents what you are visualizing?


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