Serial Issues-Extra values
Wilfredo Molina from United States  [13 posts]
11 year
Hello there!
Having set my serial communications settings as COM3, 115200,8N1 and using [COG_X][COG_Y], I am receiving valid X and Y values but before each of them, I am receiving also unknown values. Se attached picture of my settings and console.
Could somebody, please, explain to me how to get away of those other values?
My receiver device is expecting only coordinate (X & Y) values. Thank you very much, Wilfredo.

PS. As you notice for my picture, I am newby with Roborealm.

Wilfredo Molina from United States  [13 posts] 11 year
Sorry but forget about this my post. I just checked with the  Hyperterminal and the received data from Roboreal is valid 100% (only X and Y). It looks like Roborealm generates extra values but just to be shown in the console. Thank you, Wilfredo

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