New Foscam Camera Model Supported?
Alex from United States  [4 posts]
11 year
I am buying a Foscam camera to use with the Roborealm software.  Roborealm supports the Foscam model Fl8918W.  However, the newest Foscam model replacing the Fl8918W is the Fl8910W.   Does anyone know if the roborealm software supports the newer model (Fl8910W)?  Thank you
Anonymous 11 year
Not sure about that one. If you can find a demo online we can check it out. If not, and things do not work when you get the camera, you could place it online for us to have a look at and we'd update the module to support it.

Alex from United States  [4 posts] 11 year
Thanks Steven.  I ordered the Foscam FI8918W since it is currently supported by RoboRealm.  I will let you know if I move up to the newer model and have any trouble.
Thank you
Anonymous 11 year

Probably a bit late but we were able to verify that the FI8910W does work quite nicely with RoboRealm.

Alex from United States  [4 posts] 11 year
Thanks for letting me know.  I did go with the older model and everything is working great.  I will go with the new model the next time I need a camera (which hopefully will be soon for a new project).  Thanks again


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