saving an image of highlighted object
Kamlesh Thakur from India  [32 posts]
12 year

Recently I upgraded my Roborealm license to version v2.46.32 and AVM Navigator PlugIn to version v0.7.4.1. I am looking for an API to save the image of highlighted object (and not the entire captured image) to .jpg file format,e.g. in the attached snapshot how can the image of highlighted eye object (in rectangular window) can be croped from the entire facial image and stored as .jpg file. I have a VB script program that successfully detects and track a trained object e.g. an eye. I want to further enhance this program so as to save the detected eye object in a jpg file.

EDV  [328 posts] 12 year
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.2 from your account link.

- the option "Save recognized objects as JPG" was added.

You should switch AVM Navigator to “Object recognition” mode and then set "Save recognized objects as JPG" checkbox. Further all objects images will be saved to user folder that will be indicated in log window.
Kamlesh Thakur from India  [32 posts] 12 year

Thanks for the quick update on saving the recognized objects as JPG.
I downloaded the AVM Navigator v0.7.4.2 and it's working to save the recognized object image as expected.
Is there any API available which I can call in VB script program? This way the 'Save recognized objects as JPG' command can be executed via program by calling the API whenever needed and not always by manually checking the checkbox.

Best Regards,
Kamlesh Thakur
Anonymous 12 year

You can also use the attached robofile. If the variable Save_AVM is 1 then it will crop and save the recognized object (but only the first recognized object). This variable can then be set outside of RR via the API. If you only want to save one copy you can add the Set_Variable module within the If_statement module and set Save_AVM=0 so that only one image is written.

See if this works for you.


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