fiducials dont work at all
numu from Austria  [4 posts]
11 year
hey there!

short summary of my project ( or at least what i need from roborealm :) )
i ve got a ps3eye mounted on the ceiling pointing downwards, below a person is walking, a fiducial, or a certain shape, is tracked and supplying another program per udp with X/Y and orientation.
i started doing it on a modelbasis and it works quite well with the shape detection, but the orientation is quite bugged.. jumps inbetween 2 degrees, and if the shape is just a little tilted the orientation doesnt work at all.. jumps up to 180 degrees...

so i wanted to solve it with the fiducials as i saw in your tutorial reference that it workes as well when its tilted!

but when i print out one of the given fiducials it doesnt recognize it!
if i play with "perspective FI" it may detect it but as soon as you move or rotate it, it gets lost again!

i really need a smooth way for detecting and tracking a head from topview..
got any better idea then fiducials ?
and what do i need to change that it recognizes the fiducials? (i used the ones from RoboRealm/fiducials)

thanks !
Anonymous 11 year

First be sure to have a most recent copy of RR as there was an update last week that improved recognition.

Second, can you forward us the image of the fiducial that it is NOT recognizing? We can take a closer look to see why that might be and provide better instructions than without.

Note that while there will be some jitter in the location/orientation it should not be much more than a degree or so depending on the distance to the fiducial. As the fiducial gets smaller and represents fewer pixels in the image it becomes more likely that a single pixel jitter will equate to larger degree changes.

numu from Austria  [4 posts] 11 year
thanks a lot!
it was the update... works perfectly now!


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